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Matted Dogs Policy and Advice 

Please note that extra charges will apply to matted dogs due to the extra time taken and also due to extra wear and tear on our equipment.


Here at Pegs Paws Grooming we abide by the animal welfare act 2006 meaning we will never intentionally cause pain, injury or discomfort to any animal.


Failure to thoroughly brush your pets coat adequately can lead to a build up of matts, while to most these seem purely cosmetic they are in fact very uncomfortable for your pet and tangle right down to the skin when at this point they cannot be brushed out without causing serious distress and pain to your dog.


We are now see a lots of the very popular poodle cross breeds to name just a few cockapoos, labradoodles, cavapoos, jackapoos. While these dogs do not physically shed their coats in your house they do still loose their undercoat but instead of losing it into the environment they lose it within their curly coats which must be brushed out if this undercoat is left and not brushed out it forms into a matt, the longer the coats are left the more matted they become resulting in a pelted coat which when shaved off comes off in 1 big sheet and is extremely uncomfortable for your dog. Brushing these types of dogs is something that must be introduced into their everyday routine to keep them comfortable, happy and matt free. Please remember to brush the places that sometimes get forgotten, these includes, inside of the legs, chest area, under the chin, under the belly and the tops of the feet. Just remember we are always happy to help! even if its just that your not sure on which brush to use give us a call. 


Matts can cause the follow-

  • Skin sore/ Broken skin

  • Wet eczema

  • Skin irritation

  • Aural haematomas to the ear (Burst blood vessels causing swelling to the ear pinna) 

  • Fly strike (maggot infestation)

  • Yeast and bacterial infections

  • Severe Itching 

  • Flea infestation

  • Mites and Lice

  • Ear/eye Infections if matted around the face

  • Bruising to the skin

  • Disscolouration to the coat/staining from pet licking the hair due to soreness.

  • Urine and Faecal scalding


When we are presented with a matted dog we will not under any circumstances subject them to extensive de matting. De matting a severely matted dog can take hours and can cause considerable pain and discomfort to your pet and also put them off ever coming to the groomer again.

If your pet has just a few matts we will attempt to remove them to save the coat, if your pet is severely matted will we take the necessary action and clip your pets coat short to get rid of the matts, please note we will consult with you first. While this unfortunately may not be the desired look you were hoping for I can assure you your pet will be 100% more comfortable afterwards. We do not like clipping off a dogs coat unless absolutely necessary but your pets welfare is our up most priority.

Please be aware that when removing matts from your dog it may reveal sores, skin irritation or any of the points mentioned above in which case it is the owners responsibility to get their pet treated as required. 


Once your pet is matt free please do not wait until they are knotty again, book them in for regular appointments to manage their coats as need. We are more than happy to go through different techniques and tips on how to keep your pets happy and matt free. 





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